I got a lot of response for the palettes I bought from e-bay and some asked me to explain the procedure of buying them through comments and also via e-mail, so, I thought I will do a post explaining about the procedure.

1.Sign up in ebay and make an account.
2.Go to the ebay retailer's SHOP (just click on the "shop" link it will take you there)
3.Browse through the palettes and finalise the ones that you would want to buy.
4.Please try not to have second thoughts after buying as it is not easy to cancel the purchase then and there and you will have to shoot an email to the retailer explaining and she will be cancelling it for u.
So, just be cautious when you hit the buy buttons. If you tend to buy something and ends up not paying for it then the seller can report you the the ebay authorities and it will have a negative implication on the buyer which inturn will affect your future transactions in ebay.
5.Do not hit the "bid" buttons and hit the "buy now" buttons.
6.Make sure that you have a "paypal" account that you can link to your ebay account as the
merchants will only accept payment through paypal method.
7.After buying the palettes just wait for the seller to contact you through email as she will offer a "combined shipping" method which is great for the buyer. Remember that ebay will also automatically send you a mail prompting you to pay and giving the shipping and palette charges. Wait for the seller to contact you through mail and be patient as the time zones are different.(This seller is from china)
8.Any questions, just shoot the seller an email and she is a very nice lady and will give you a prompt reply back.(well, I had a great experience)
9.When you are buying DO NOT BUY items given in BRITISH POUNDS and
select the ones in US DOLLARS. This is because, if you buy like that she won't be able to combine the shipping as it is in a different currency. I made that mistake and then had to send her a mail asking her to cancel my order and then I had to buy the same palette in US DOLLARS. Its simply a waste of time. So, don't commit the error.
10.Hope this answers all the questions and oh yes, I DID NOT pay any ADDITIONAL CUSTOM CHARGES for the palettes.
So, go ahead and shop and hope you enjoy the palettes as much as me.

this is an awesum explanation anju..thanks a lot..
1 doubt..u like selected all 1st with their individual shipping..10-12 $ for shipping of each..n den u got d combined option by an email na ?
how much combined shipping did u pay for all ?
P.S : I am in love with ur palettes ;)
Thanks so much for this post Anju ..:)
Thanks Anju..it's really a informative post for those who want to buy something from ebay...thank you.
@bhumika:-yup tats rt. if u have further doubts just send the seller an email first asking her as to how she combines the shipping and she will send u a mail back.I asked her this the first time and she explained the process to me.I paid a total of 1600 rs as shipping charge for 7 palettes. It might seem a lot but when u think abt buying from other sites, for a single palette u will have to pay atleast 850 rs and the charge just goes higher when u add more & more palettes and the cost of the palettes are also so much more when compared to this sellers site.
@anamika & rakhshanda:-u r welcome guys :)
What a gr8 guide for first time buyers! Thanks for doing this Anju :)
yeah this is what i needed to ask you about,,thanks for the step by step info...will try is some time later..:-)
great explaination dear
Really good post Anju. Very helpful for people like me who can't understand how to shop online:P You've really simplified the process.
hey thnks so much for posting... its was really helpful u explained everything so well...thnx !!
Hey. great post. Very simple and easy to understand. This seller also has the gel liners. Are they just like the coastal scents one? They're so much cheaper here.
And passed on an award to you. Please accept.
Thank you Anju ....U did a blog on my request which is helpful to everyone
@pooh:-u r welcome :)
I am so glad that you did this post. i have always been away from Ebay shopping but I want to do it.
How many days would it take to receive my order? I had placed an order for Eye lashes but I haven't go any information yet. It's from the same seller you bought palettes from. Any help would be great!!
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