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I have seen bath and other products of the brand "faces" through out the city but never did i see "makeup" till i visited the mall "High Street Phoenix" when my sis came. This is quite a new brand in our country so they were promoting it aggressively. Lot of people were trying out their makeup products and i was intrigued. Thought....why not check out what the fuss is all about. In the display counter itself they had placed their shadow,nail polish,lip gloss etc testers and i was impressed with the colors they have. I quickly turned my attention to shadows as i saw some stack of pigments on their counter.

The SA was more than helpful and opened it and swatched the colors for me. I don't own many mac pigments & personally i think they are amazing......but i sure don't need that much!!!!! One bottle is sure enough to last me several lifetimes. I only have 2 mac pigments with me and i stopped buying them after tat as they tend to be super expensive and i don't wear eyeshadows everyday eventhough i love 'em.

Now coming back to our brand.....I bought 2 stacks. One is big and the other one is a small stack.
They do come in individual pots but they are expensive and no one needs that much pigment!! So i stick with the stacks.

They have "shimmer" in 'em and hence the name "sparkle dust". But the shimmers are not off putting or anything. Really subtle and wearable.The pigment itself is finely milled and they are not gritty at all. The price is pretty ok too, for the big stack it is around 600 rs(it has 8 pigments) and the small stack costs around 400 rs(5 pigments).The staying power of the pigments is pretty good(i tried the pigments on my eye for a look which i will post and had it on my eyes for 3 hrs and no probs!)

Now coming to the cons. Well if you do buy them and like one pigment the most then you can't carry it alone and will have to take all the stack together! unless you transfer the pigment into another small container.Some of the colors show themselves much better when they are foiled. The fall outs are there but not too much. So i will advice, if u do use these pigments do the eye makeup first and put foundation on. Then one can clear the fall outs easily and proceed with the makeup.

So what do you think? i know some of 'em are blurred (sorry).
You can also make nail polishes (here) and lipglosses too with these.
For me they are worth a buy and would definitely buy another new stack.

What abt u guys? willing to give this new brand a try?????



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I own a similar spray bottle and i love it. Most ppl use it as a face freshner and a toner. But i use this in 2 more different ways. I don't like to use these "cleansing milks" on my face as i have extremely oily skin and they make my skin more oily. I go for daily walks like 30-45 mins and when i come back i need a shower oh so bad and i always feel that some dirt is present on my face after all that sweating. What i do is spritz this rose water 2-3 times on to my cotton pad and i use it as a cleansing agent and it gets all my dirt out! I feel refreshed too and i am extra happy that this tones my face and controls the oilies. Don't forget to keep this in the fridge & it will feel extra nice.

The next tip is regarding waxing. How many of you use the "veet" waxing strips and find themselves at logger heads trying to remove the remaining wax? I have tried warm to hot water technique but this one works fabulously. Again take 2-3 spritzes of gulabari on your cotton pad and then gently rub it on to the area of your skin where there is "extra wax" that is determined not to come off. It will come off easily to a large extent and it helps to remove the sticky sensation too.

Hope this was useful. C u all.......


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I have always heard about the term but i have never tried it out myself. For those who don't know what "frankening" means....its to mix your pigments to create a new nailpolish color!!!(or even 2 separate nail polish colors together). How cool is that?So yesterday when i was playing around with my "faces"(the canadian brand) stack of pigments i thought....why not????

This one is really finely milled and they do come in amazing colors.I have already done a look with it and will be posting it soon. By the way i am starting to loooooooooveeeeeeee these pigments. They have amazing quality,really pigmented and they show up real well on the eyes. I will review the pigments too real soon. Plus they are affordable as they come in stacks....so worth a shot for those who like pigments.

Now coming back to the post. Things you will need. Your fav pigment(color), a small plastic cap,15-20 drops of clear nail polish,a tooth pick and thats it. Lets start!

Can you see those little shimmery particles????

I chose this clear polish as it is real cheap.

Take a small plastic cap. Put a bit of those pigments and pour 15-20 drops
of clear nail polish and stir it with a tooth pick till you get the above consistency.
Now apply your new "new franken polish"(term used to describe nail polishes
that has been custom made) & ENJOY!

Doesn't that look great? I put another coat of clear nail polish
on top to get a glossy look

The great thing about this method is the fact you can create any color
polish you want and can also make those colors tat you find difficult
to get from the market. The downside is that you have to have the
pigments with you.The faces pigments if you buy them as a stack
then i think its a good deal! good quality, cheaper than mac &
they have some amazing colors!

So, ready to take out your fav pigments and start frankening?

C ya......


La Pizzeria

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Hi all, yesterday went to marine drive to have some "us" time with hubby and i have loved marine drive from the first time i saw it. One should visit the place in the night time and the whole place looks magical with the lights all across the city lit up, the sea right infront of you and the cool breeze washing over you. Its too good to be true. Yeah i know lots of vehicles zoom past us and the noise of mumbai coming alive in the night is all around. But it still feels fabulous.

We visited a pizza joint overlooking the marine drive and I simply loved the place. Its called Little Italy's la pizzeria. Its a small but comfy place. But its always crowded and you can see people waiting outside to get in. There is no air conditioner inside but then again that would take the natural beauty off the place which allows the sea breeze to come in.There is loud chitter chatter everywhere and the music will be blaring but still its nice to be inside that small restaurant.

The only thing I hated was that we had to wait sometime before the waiter came along...hmmmmm can't blame him 'coz the place was buzzing with people. The food sure is yummy.We ordered chicken nuggets and an american pizza(pizza is not "the best" but it surely comes close). And oh-yeah the meal will set you back as far as "money" is considered. I think the food is overpriced there but it sure is a treat to be there and taste the pizza and lounge there soaking in all the mumbai marine drive beauty. C for urself.....


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I already spend a lot of money on beauty products and so i hate spending money on cleaning agents. Ya, i know one has to be hygenic and has to make sure that the brushes are clean all the time. So i follow this inexpensive method of cleaning my makeup brushes.

Things you will need:- A plate, a good antibacterial hand wash(i use life buoy) and olive oil

The handwash with the antibacterial agents will kill the germs and the olive oil will help to keep the makeup brushes soft and will condition them

See? my makeup brushes do need a wash straight away!

Mix the handwash and olive oil in a plate

First, wet the brush and then swirl it through the mixture till all the dirt comes out.

See all the dirt????

wash it under water. Now my brushes are super clean

Now just keep them somewhere safe so that they can become dry

Hope u all enjoyed the post. C ya......


Bare minimum makeup essentials to pack when you are travelling...

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I like to take minimum makeup products with me while i am travelling and I have a plastic organizer with several rows to keep my makeup. Here are a few pictures of 'em. Do leave a comment. Courtesy for the pics: my friend, a BIG HUG to you ruks (she was the one who took the shots! ;) )


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As a rule, I don't use foundations....but me being a makeup loving junkie i have to have some foundation with me. Who knows as to when u might need it????? I have used a lot of foundations like mac,maybelline,revlon,mufe etc etc and the one i am going to review today is REVLON COLORSTAY MINERAL MOUSSE FOUNDATION.

I got this couple of months back prior to my wedding. I was on the hunt for the "perfect" foundation as mac foundations tend to make me too oily and break me out at times. Revlon colorstay foundation with softflex in "tan" or "toast" was just fine but i needed something light that wouldn't make me feel all cakey and would allow my skin to breathe. Then one day i passed by the revlon counter, saw this and the SA demonstrated this to me and i kind of liked it. So i bought the shade " medium deep" and went home. Once i applied it i could feel that my skin was liking it but this wasn't the color that i wanted as it did not complement my yellow undertones. So i went back and got the "deeper" shade. Eventhough it looked a bit too dark for me i was kind of sure that it would complement my undertone and i was right! Now coming back to the review...


-Soft whipped cream like consistency(obviously...its a mousse).
-Needs only a small amount.
-Great for day time use.
-I don't have many blemishes on my skin so it went great for me
and my sister who has some spots said that it covers it up to
some extent without using concealer.
-Doesn't feel heavy on the face.
-Easy to blend. I first use my mac fix + on the stippling brush and then apply
this. goes on like a dream.
-Did not break me out at all.
-If you use a small amount it will give you the "no-foundation" look.
-Has SPF-20 in it which is an added bonus.
-It is mineral makeup so usually no need to set with the powder.
-Great for my oily skin as it doesn't make it too oily.
-Can build up the coverage
-Great for those who don't like the "over" made up "foundation" face.

-The price. It is 1100 for a 30 ml tube. But a little goes a long way. One can buy
a mac foundation if you can shell out an extra 500.
-Some people say that the formula separates over time and the whole thing
becomes watery-creamy texture. I have had mine for past 4 months and it is still intact
-Not good for photography as it contains spf.

After blending....

Will i purchase again? YUP! am in love with this thing as its so light and fits
my skin needs perfectly!

So what do you guys think? Has anyone used it? What's your take?
Leave your comments......



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Hi all, just started this blog two weeks back when i was feeling lonely and depressed as i had to move all the way from kerala to mumbai with my husband. Its just been "2 weeks" and I am so happy to see atleast "16" followers (haa haa). I know its not much but it sure is something and it means a lot to me when i feel that people do take the time out to read things that i want to talk about. Never even thought i would be even this "visible" to others.

I want to say a big "THANKS" to all the senior indian beauty bloggers who are there in the "followers" list who took the time out to comment in my posts and i feel so flattered and ecstatic. A bigggggggggggg HUG to all you guys!!!!!!!!

I do see a lot of new "faces" coming from different parts of the country and even the world and looking at my posts.....all i have is one request...plz do take some time out to comment and let me know your feed back. It makes my day (my study filled days) when i read someone's "constructive criticism" or just a plain "Hi".So all you guys have been wonderful this past 2 weeks and please support me in future too by leaving comments and following me......

Thank u all
Good nite.....(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)


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Everyone loves the "winged" eye look.....but not everyone knows how to achieve that look without struggling a lot. Makeup artist's tell you to slightly flick your wrists, draw a line from the lower lash line, make a "v" on the upper lash line outer edge and wat not???? i tried everything but did not succeed. I took too much time to draw those winged eyes till found out this technique. After that i constantly practiced and now i can draw the winged eye without the help of the "technique".
Things you need.....a micropore tape(surgical tape easily available in medical stores and is not costly)and your fav eyeliner. I am asking you to get the specific tape as it won't tug or pull at your skin and when u draw the winged eye the unwanted liner will get easily adherent to the tape unlike the normal tape which is of plastic in nature and won't allow the liner to dry up easily.

This is how a micropore tape looks like.

Now attach the tape to the outer edge of your eye like this.

Now take the liner out and start creating the winged eye by following the
natural contour of your eye and it doesn't matter if you go overboard at
the edges 'coz we have the tape to save us.

It will look like this. See the small amount of liner on the tape???

Take the tape out and voila you have your perfect winged eye!! So this is my method to achieve the winged eye easily! Do leave your comments. take careeeeeee
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