
Strawberry net review, haul and a video ;)

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 See the video for more details about everything. Hope you guys like it and don't forget to subscribe :)

Rs.2300  (us $ 52)

 Rs.690 (us $ 15.50)

 Rs.800 (us $ 18)

Go to my channel HERE

Disclaimer:- I was given 50% blogger's discount by the site but that has not affected my opinion in any way.



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 Yet another shade from the brand Teen Teen. Really nice color a pinkish purple with silver flecks in it. i really love it. Its a really adorable color in person.Its real cheap too.

 To check out the other two teen teen NOTDS click HERE & HERE



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 Mac Foundation
Mac plumfoolery blush
Mac msf powder

28 eye shadow palette(drugstore quality)
Loreal gel liner in black
Clinique mascara
Mac smolder eye pencil

Maybelline yummy plummy & mauvelous


Lacto tan clear

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 I am attaching a video, reviewing 2 products from nature's essence. Do watch and subscribe to my channel. Thanks :)

To see detailed post about the mask click HERE

PS:-I was not paid to do this review.Its my honest opinion :)



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 Ok, so I bought this scrub with so many expectations, but hey I didn't expect it to clear my blackheads within 3 days(guys!!! lets be realistic!)I was willing to give it 3 weeks time. I have been using this for a bit more than 3 weeks now and I have to say before hand itself that I don't have many blackheads on my nose, but if one comes real close, they can find it.

 A pretty good scrub
Has real tiny beads
Doesn't scratch that bad eventhough its a bit grainy
I used it all over my face everysingle day and didn't dry out my face(maybe 'coz I have really oily skin)
Easy availability
Packaging is hygienic
Price 90 rs

Did not see much of a difference.

Let me show you with proof

(above) before pic.look closely u can see my blackheads.This is after using the clean and clear, well, I don't think there is any need for me to post a pic before using the scrub, because my nose looked pretty much the same!!!!

I didn't see any difference, so, I used the Michelle Phan (youtube guru) method of removing blackheads and believe me it worked like a charm!!!!

The method:-
Take 1 tbs of gelatin powder and 1 tbs milk, mix it together really well in a pan and then microwave it for 10 secs. After that put the gooey stuff on your nose(make sure that you don't lay it on too thick, otherwise it might take a loooooooonggggg time to dry and you may not get the desired results) and wait for it to dry (max 15 mins).Peel it off and voila!!!! your nose is blackhead free 98% in just one go!!!! Do you need proof......... see this!!!!

My nose that seemed "normal" had these many blackies!!!!!!! :( (click on pic and zoom in)

Anyway this is my nose after the blackhead removal.Its so clean and shiny!!!!!!!! :)

I am gonna attach other one, this belongs to a friend of mine and he doesn't want me to reveal his name and he fought with me when I told him that I am gonna put his "peel off"pic on my blog. Hey, its not my hubbys :p (he has a real nice shiny blackhead free nose...:( ya i know........go figure!!!!) So, brace yourself.........this is going to be gross!!!!

 So, after seeing his results, I am never going to get myself another blackhead removal scrub(maybe summin that refines pores and reduces sebum along with it!!!)

 So, which one are you going to opt for.........

Do check out my personal blog HERE


Book Review, A Video

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I know that most of you guys don't know or either don't give a "hoot" about my personal blog lol. But I have uploaded a video. Its a book review. Do check it out. Follow me on my blog or subscribe to my youtube channel if you like and guys, do recommend me some good books, I love reading. So, do throw in your suggestions.

By the way my other blog is http://lifeondarocks.blogspot.com/.



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I am impressed with the new Lakme fantasy collection nailpolish(no: 249). Its pigmented, but it sure needs three coats for the color build up(I hate really sheer colors).This is a pretty peachy pink shade and looks beautiful in person. Its actually a dailywear sort of color, but it truly looks pretty on the nails. The nailpolish has a slight smell which goes away after some time. The brush applicator is good and gives an even color in one swipe itself. Not too bad for the price, retailing at 90 rs.



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 Watch my video for the Detailed review of the foundation. Its a great foundation for people like us (bloggers) who takes pictures under heavy flashlights.....not a great formula for regular use. Not that great for oily-combination skin type. Cost of this is between 900-1000rs/-

 Here is some of my photos using the foundation.

 Without any makeup(the pic above)

After using photoready foundation (pics below)

Show some love and do subscribe to my youtube channel :)



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Hi guys, this is my first ever You tube video and its about a "haul" I made recently. Do give me feedbacks, I know there is a lot to improve as far as my videos are concerned. Any suggestions are welcome. The lighting is a bit bad(I shot it during night time), but am sure u guys can make it out LOL. All the products that i am featuring in here belong to "sylcon"(i am in no way assosciated with them).Anyway am attaching pictures of the haul too. Enjoy ladies...love ya.....



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 I am really impressed with this Loreal gel liner. It has become a staple of mine. They come in two colors black & brown. I have the black one. The pack also comes with a brush(I don't use that....i use my bent liner).

 Easy availability at all Loreal counters
Real creamy formula
Great matte finish
Stays for a long time
The small tub will last for some time and a great alternative for mac gel liner and better than maybelline one, is much more creamier.

Nothing so far........I have to wait and watch as to whether it would dry out quickly in the pot or not.
Need some precision to work with gel liners.

Price:-600(I think........don't remember exactly)

Just a Holler

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 Hi all, I just made this site a "custom domain". So, the new url is www.indianmakeupways.com. No blogspot attached to it. So when you try to access my site give the new url and if not certain gadgets in my blog wont work. thanks guys. I would like to make a personal request to my fellow blogger friends who has my link on their blogroll to kindly update to my custom domain. It will be much appreciated. thanks. byeeeeeeeeee


Revlon Illuminance Creme Eyeshadow

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Have we all not wanted a palette that is easy to apply, easy to carry around, no fuss and that has some great colors for all functions....even office wear?????? Well, let me introduce you to Revlon "Pink Petals" illuminance creme eyeshadow palette.In my opinion its one of the most nicest palette to carry around.Read on to find why.....

 Look at all those gorgeous colors!!!!

 Look at the amazing swatch

Great palette, easily available and a treat to carry around
Very creamy eye shadows
Can use them on their own or as a base for other shadows
Will suit almost every skintone and a boon for those who has dark upper lids and who would like to camouflage it without going overboard!!!
Great for daytime and office wear
It remains put atleast for 4 hrs straight without a base

Not that great for "over oily" lids

Overall a great THUMBS UP from me. A really great palette at an economical price!!!! I think the cost was around 600 when I bought it (don't remember it very well)

Anyone used it before?????? like it? love it? or just plain leave it?



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This is from a new brand Teen-Teen, which is really cheap (69 rs).The color is a dirty purple and its great for office wear and for ladies who like the "toned down" look. Its a lovely color and its beautiful.There is no particular name only a no:(33).

 Without flash

Check out the other teen teen NOTD HERE

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